Welcome to The Inspector Dreyfuss Emergencies
We’re delighted to reveal a stunning new look – and new novel! – for Alastair Reynolds.
Welcome to The Inspector Dreyfuss Emergencies.
Sharp-eyed readers will already have noticed that there’s something familiar about AURORA RISING – and quite rightly. This is the novel originally published as THE PREFECT, and it’s returning to the shelves of all good bookstores near you this November. If you’ve not picked it up before, this is your chance to meet Inspector Dreyfuss as he faces down a threat to the Glitter Belt . . . and has to make a terrible decision . . .
And get ready to pre-order, as the brand new Dreyfuss Emergency is coming in January! ELYSIUM FIRE is the second stand-alone mystery featuring SF’s greatest detective . . . and this time he’s facing a mysterious series of events codenamed WildFire, which is killing citizens of the Glitter Belt apparently at random. Only the frequency of the attacks are speeding up, and the projections suggest that WildFire is in danger of going from a few isolated incidents to a pandemic . . .
Cover design by @blacksheep-uk.com.
You can learn more about Alastair Reynolds at http://approachingpavonis.blogspot.co.uk/ or www.alastairreynolds.com.
Pre-order your copy of AURORA RISING in paperback.
ELYSIUM FIRE will be published in hardback, ebook and audio download on the 28th January 2018.